
A Python package to locate emergent seismicity using network of seimsic stations. enveloc uses envelope cross correlation of seismic traces on a fixed time window and performs a 3D grid search to maximize signal coherency. The location process can be performed interactively with on single short time window, or more automatically on longer data sets by internally cutting data and processing smaller time windows. The latter approach can also optionally be parallelized internally to shorten processing time.

Code is stored on github and the latest stable release can be found here and PyPI.

enveloc uses Obspy for handling and manipulating seismic data and metadata.

This package is written and maintained by Aaron Wech, and is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence v3.


If you use this package in your work, please cite the following paper: Wech, A.G., and K.C. Creager (2008), Automatic detection and location of Cascadia tremor, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20302.
